Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Penny Stocks - Short Term Stock Trading

For trading on a short-term method for trading daily price movements that relies entirely on odds and percentages . It is a method as opposed to a system. Very few people can blindly follow a system, though many find it easier to be discretionary in a systematic way.

Because this short-term swing technique generates frequent trades, it is important to know the "correct plays," to lock in profits, and to seek the "true trend." Taking a loss is merely playing for better position. One trades strictly for probable future results, not for what the market might do.

To know the "correct play" is to know whether to buy or sell first, to exit or hold. Trades are based on "objective points," which are simply the previous day's high and low. Movement between these two points determines the "true trend."

When swing trading, adjust your expectations. The lower your expectations, the happier you will be and, ironically, the more money you will probably make! Entries are a piece of cake, but you must also trust yourself to get out of bad situations and trades. It is important to use tighter stops when trading swings and wider stops when trading trends.

This method teaches you to anticipate! Never react! Know what you are going to do before the market opens. Always have a plan--but be flexible! "See" your stop (support or resistance) before initiating a trade. Know how to trade out of trouble situations and get off the hook with the smallest possible loss.

Finally, never trade in narrow, dead markets. The swings are too small. Never chase a market. Rather than worry that you've missed a move, think instead.

Article Written by Dave Hot Penny stocks

Dave member of Penny Stocks, and stock message board

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